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It’s That Time of Year Again

Writer's picture: meghays72meghays72

The NFL football season is upon us once again!  Tonight’s opening game between the Seattle Seahawks and Green Bay Packers will kick off my favorite time of year!  WOOHOO!!  Are you ready for some football?!?!?!

I’ll give you one guess as to what I’ll be doing tonight!!!!

Of course, my favorite team, the Chicago Bears will not play until Sunday.  As usual, I’ll be teased unmercifully for my commitment to a team that seems to have a way of raising the fans’ hopes only to drop them into the abyss as the season progresses.  Sigh.

As I said last year around this time…I root for my Bears, win or lose, but I am not oblivious to the fact that they are the underdogs and will probably be forevermore.

However, I consciously continue to choose to believe in my beloved, second-rate, football team even when everyone else jumps ship because, well…they are my favorite team and I refuse to be fickle and break my allegiance with my lifelong football franchise.

This might make me sound and look foolish as I wear my numerous t-shirts and sweatshirts for a losing team throughout the year, but I guarantee no one will ever doubt my loyalty.

As I’ve thought of my Chicago Bears’ devotion, I’ve realized I can actually associate this relationship to the one I have in Christ!

Who knew?!?!?

That’s what I love about God…He can always bring it back around to HIM!!! (Thank you, God, since I really wanted to talk about football and the Bears today!!!)

The problem is I put MANY things above and beyond my relationship with God.  It’s sad, but true.  Can you imagine what an amazing Christian I would be if I would place as much emphasis on God as I do on my Bears each season.  GRRRR….

In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Proverbs 3:6

Think about it.  If I did for God what I do for my Bears I would be doing the following:

  1. Think about God all the time.

  2. Talk about God as much as possible and try to fit Him in every conversation I had.

  3. Research His history and memorize dates, players, statistics and winnings.

  4. Plan to attend as many God events as possible throughout the year.

  5. Purchase God paraphernalia.

  6. Wear God t-shirts, sweatshirts, pajamas, etc.

The list could go on and on.

Do you see how much time, effort, money and thought that goes into just the Bears for me?  WOW!  That’s just a tad bit scary!

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6:21

You may not even like football, but I’d dare say that there is something in your life that you are just as loyal to (i.e. car, house, hair, golf game, vacation planning, baseball, social events, or whatever it is you absolutely love).

Consider what it would be like if we treated God with the same devotion and faithfulness that we do the other things in our lives.  More than likely, we would have an amazing relationship with Him and we would be in total peace because our entire being would be surrounded by Godly stuff.

Wouldn’t that be worth the time and effort?  I sure think so!

Some Wisdom for Today:  Proverbs 21:21 – Whoever pursues righteousness and kindness will find life, righteousness, and honor.

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