My family and I have just returned from a world-wind trip through eight states and two extended stays with friends and family. This two week journey began when we left Texas the day after school let out and drove through Oklahoma, Missouri and onto Chicago, Illinois for a week’s stay with my dear friend from childhood.
We toured the city of Chicago, visited the Museum of Science & Industry and the Shedd Aquarium, ate on the 95th floor of the John Hancock building and walked along Navy Pier, Millenium Park and Michigan Avenue. Of course, it wouldn’t have been a complete excursion if we hadn’t shopped at the Water Tower Place.
Basically, it was a trains, boats, bikes and automobiles kind of visit!!
We left a week later after having our fill of Chicago pizza and dogs, along with a plethora of Chicago Bears, Bulls and Cubs memorabilia!! WooHOO! Definitely have my sweatshirt and T-shirt wardrobe replenished!
Our trip then took us south through Indiana, Kentucky and into Tennessee to see my sister and pick up my mom for her stay in Austin with us for the summer. We spent our days roughhousing with nieces and nephews and hanging by the pool. It was relaxing, fun and festive – rolled up into one!
The last leg of our trip brought us through Arkansas and then back into Central Texas (six hours of the journey is just getting to the middle of Texas). Overall we spent three days in the car and traveled over 2250 miles. WHEW!!! Talk about needing to stretch out for a bit!!!!
Throughout our adventure, I realized that each place we stopped seemed similar in ways and at the same time completely different. I’ve lived in all of the places we visited and I can attest to their many likenesses and disparities.
The glaring differences are in breakfast foods. Of course, transients may have diversified what this morning meal now consists of no matter where you live, but even today I found that the variances rang true. For example:
In Chicago I grew up on bacon, waffles, pancakes, French toast, pastries, donuts, éclairs and hash browns.
Once I moved to Tennessee I was introduced to eggs, sausage, grits, biscuits and gravy. (Sorry grits people…I’ve just never gotten the taste for this mushy mess.)
And now, living in Texas for the past 20 years has acquainted me with the kolache and the breakfast taco.
Each destination has its own feel, flavor, temperature and personality. There are nice people and not so nice people, things to see that reflect the area and things everyone would like to change. The list of pros and cons are lengthy for each location.
The one similarity that no one can refute is that God made them all.
For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. Colossians 1:16
These cities and towns are just like us. No one is the same. We all have the good, bad and ugly. Some are big, some are small, some do great things and others do nothing.
However, we were all created by our Heavenly Father and yearn to fulfill our purpose in life, whether we know it or not.
Differences don’t have to tear us apart or scare us…it just makes us different.
Don’t judge people by your own stick…in fact, don’t judge them at all. Love them, help them and encourage them. You might find you’re not that different at all.
Some Wisdom for Today: Proverbs 15:17 – Better is a dinner of herbs where love is than a fattened ox and hatred with it.