The Prayer Problem

Lately, my prayer life has stunk it up to kingdom come.  For some reason, I have been going through the motions of reading scriptures and devotionals, but I’ve barely spoken a word to God in what seems like forever. Sure, I’ve said mealtime and bedtime prayers with my...


If you think you can’t…you are right. I’ve been thinking on this phrase a lot lately.  I have no idea who said it or where I saw it, but if you happen to be my Facebook friend, you might have seen it on a status I posted just this past Tuesday.  Plus, I used it in a...


Sunday’s message at church was all about freedom through forgiveness.  I sat stunned into silence as I listened to our associate pastor’s sermon that detailed the shackles we are bound by when we don’t obey God’s will for us to forgive others and live as He would like...

Pointy Needles

Today, my second-grader is home sick with a fever and headache.  Boo.  Jake’s the one that suffers terribly from allergies and asthma, so when sickness strikes – he’s down for the count. Our pediatric allergy specialist has recommended allergy shots for the past two...

Forgive and Forget

Last night I spoke at my home church for our Lenten Wednesday night worship service about forgiveness. Me? Forgiving? Sometimes. Sigh. I told a story about a situation that is completely out of my control and how mercy and forgiveness keeps me at peace and how all...