Angry Times

With football season underway, I suppose I will be forced to watch network television and turn a deaf ear to the angry and irritating political commercials.  Argh…election years are always so annoying because of the constant bickering (and it doesn’t matter whose side...

Ants in My Pants

Is it summertime, yet? I seem to be getting antsy for the lazy days of summer, vacationing with friends and family, reading some good books and resting from the hectic schedule of everyday life. What’s funny is that as I’m looking at my list of items to do over the...

Loving Gifts

Valentine’s Day is next week!!   I know…I’m shocked, too!!!  Time is flying and I’m hanging on for dear life!  It sure doesn’t seem possible that we were just celebrating Christmas and making resolutions for this year!  And yet, here we are already in the second MONTH...

Resolving Character Conflict

Hello, my name is Meg and I’m a complete freak.  Yep, I’m crazy and the worst part is that I’m conflicted!!!! All kidding aside, I do find myself wondering who the real me is.  There are times when I am sweet, kind, loving and have a strong desire to do the right...