I continue to be shocked when I see God’s fingerprints all over my day! Call me crazy, but sometimes I can’t believe that our Awesome God would give one iota about what I’m doing.
The coolest realization is that HE DOES! Little ol’ me has His attention and so do you! How awesome is that?
Why am I thinking about this?
Well, this past Sunday while I was getting ready for church, my husband and I were talking about the Bible. I was basically saying that if I missed a scripture reading one day, I normally skipped over it and moved on to the next one because I tend to get overwhelmed if I get behind.
I went on to say that Revelations was now one of my favorite books in the Bible because it shows me how much God cares about us to save us from our own destruction. Where it once scared the bageebers out of me, I now see the whole Bible as the ‘love letter’ I had once only heard about!
Fast forward to church that same day. The sermon was titled, “What does the Bible say?”
Coincidence? I think not. LOVE when this kind of stuff happens!!!
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Psalm 119:105
Thinking of the Bible as a ‘love letter’ is not something I would have ever said even five years ago. This was because I hadn’t READ it. Sigh.
It’s funny how many of us (myself included) have gone around with opinions about the Bible and views on what is IN the Bible without really READING the Bible.
Hmmm. Kind of hard to judge something if you haven’t read it.
Plus, the Bible is not one of those books that you can read and understand it the first time through. In fact, I’ve read through the entire thing at least three times and I STILL find new things to consider on a regular basis. Maybe I’m just not that bright! Hee, hee!
The truth is that the Bible is many things, including, but not limited to:
Guide book
History book
Story book
Love story
Self-help book
Health and diet book
Murder mystery
Prayer book
And just about every other genre you can think of….
Previously, I thought the Bible was filled with only rules, regulations and basically nixed anything fun in life.
Boy, was I wrong!
The Bible is FULL of guidance, support, encouragement, inspiration and reassurance. Additionally, this ‘love letter’ is everything I need on any given day. Flukes just don’t happen as often as God speaks to me through His Word!!
The truth is that my judgments have changed significantly because of God’s blessings through the reading of His Word.
I can now SEE how many chances God gives us to get it right – whereas before I only saw His discipline. I can also FEEL His love through the words that speak to me from the page – whereas before I only felt guilty. I can now HEAR God’s whispers of encouragement and love – whereas before I only heard damnation.
But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8
I haven’t done anything except pick up the Bible. GOD HAS DONE THE REST. And it continues to be a phenomenal ride. I thank God daily for leading me to His amazing Word and pressing it upon my heart.
The one thing I have figured out through reading the Bible is that – I am nothing without God.
So, what does the Bible say? Well, it says it all.
Some Wisdom for Today: Proverbs 4:20-21 – My son, be attentive to my words; incline your ear to my sayings. Let them not escape from your sight; keep them within your heart.
Image courtesy of “Bible Reading” by Matt Banks/FreeDigitalPhotos.net