The other day I heard something profound…well, it was to me at least.
The message went something like this: Spreading Christianity isn’t about quoting the Bible, regurgitating a list of rules or even telling someone about what our churches say we should or shouldn’t do; As Christians we should tell others OUR STORY with regards to actually experiencing God’s everlasting love, forgiveness, mercy and grace.
TA DA! It’s like a light bulb turned on in my head and started going haywire!!!
Yes, I read my Bible and find it critical to my spiritual growth. Yes, my conscience tells me to stay on the narrow path and do what is right. Yes, I love my church and am so grateful to be a part of a loving and healthy church family.
However, that is not what brings someone closer to Christ.
It is only when I humbly account how God has changed me, grown my faith, made me uncomfortable, performed miracles, comforted, healed and loved me that I can truly show someone else what knowing and loving Jesus is like.
The obvious question to me is why would anyone want to be a part of something that wasn’t personal, completely life-changing or amazing just because I told them to follow a certain number of rules, read a book or join a club? Doesn’t make sense, huh?!?
Yet, if we can show others God’s awesomeness because of what He has done for US…. Now, that’s a different story!!
The experiences we share with others have to be authentic and real; loving and kind; and ours and ours alone. OUR STORY CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN SOMEONE ELSE’S LIFE.
Divulging our experiences with others allows us to accomplish ‘The Great Commission’ – to go out and make disciples (see Matthew 28:16-20).
At a glance, this looks MIGHTY scary!!!
YIKES! Me, tell someone about God? No way!! I’m not an evangelist!! That’s just not my calling!! I don’t like to talk to strangers!! I don’t want to make a fool of myself!!! What if they don’t believe me? What if they think I’m looney tunes?
Do these excuses sound familiar?
Telling others about our own experiences isn’t so bad, though. In fact, who doesn’t like talking about themselves?!?!?!! Hee, Hee!!! (Okay, maybe that’s just me!)
The truth is that we all have a story. Mine may be different than yours, but it doesn’t make either of our experiences any better/worse than the other and each can be used for God’s purpose and His Glory.
Our stories are powerful and show God’s handiwork in action.
Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous works among all the peoples! Psalms 96:3
Are you sharing your story?
Some Wisdom for Today: Proverbs 11:30 – The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and whoever captures souls is wise.
*”Breaking News Sign Means Up-to-date Reporting On Events” by Stuart Miles/