Today was a first. Chase came home from school and went upstairs while I was tending to Jake and his friend who had come home for a play date.
After I got the two older ones settled, I asked Chase where his folder was that gives a report on his daily behavior in kindergarten.
He said he had left his backpack upstairs and went into a lengthy story about something not being his fault.
Sadly, Chase had been ‘fooling around’ today and didn’t get his normal smiley face for good conduct. (Insert frowny face.)
Yikes! It happens SO young. One day they are innocent little children and the next they are downright defying authority and lying about their failings. (Ok, I might be over-reacting just a bit here.)
Oh Lord, please help me.
Not that I’m shocked at all by my youngest misbehavior…what I am VERY concerned about is how to teach BOTH of my children to choose the right path to follow throughout the rest of their lives.
At this point in their existence, my husband and I are in charge of their every move. We tell them what they can watch on television, what music is appropriate and who they associate with. But the day is quickly coming when they will have to make all of these decision and MORE on their own.
What will they choose? Will I have done my job as a parent to teach them honesty, integrity, a strong work ethic, good manners and good morals? Will they rise above the evilness of the world and choose to believe in the One who saves? Or will they succumb to the crowd and join in the activities that lead them down a dark path with dire consequences?
Some might say I’m getting a little ahead of myself since the poor kid is only FIVE! However, I see how kids are. I know how I was. And I know how difficult it is to choose God in a world that is self-seeking and self-serving.
I refuse to believe this world is going to hell in a hand-basket!
I believe the work I do today with my children really does count in the years down the road.
The problem is that I haven’t a clue to what I’m doing. It’s a crap shoot and I’m a bad shot!! Just ask my husband!!!
Since I need an “Idiots Guide to Raising Children,” I’ve come up with a few ideas of my own that might help me in the future.
Don’t worry. Anxiety will get us nowhere and might even cause an ulcer!! God knows what we need before we ask and will provide us the tools to raise these children He gave us. (Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. Philippians 4:6)
Don’t give up! These two precious boys (and all the other children of the world) are worth any pain and effort that comes along with raising them to be Christian men and women. (And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9)
Don’t look back! The past is over. All we have is today and we should be bound and determined to make the best of it so we can give our kids the best we can be. (But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:13-14)
Whew! Basically, I’ve just reminded myself (and hopefully YOU) that God HAS THIS as He has everything else in our lives! Take a deep breath and follow His Word and we will all be just fine!
The road of parenting may be a winding, rocky rollercoaster, but with God at the helm we will arrive to our destination in one piece!
Some Wisdom for Today: Proverbs 22:6 – Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.