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Spring Cleaning

Writer's picture: meghays72meghays72

Nice junk drawer, huh?!?!

Nice junk drawer, huh?!?!

It probably comes as no surprise that I’m a little bizarre about a few things in life.  We’ve all got ‘our thing’ that annoys us, is a pet-peeve or just drives us crazy!  These ‘things’ may not be a concern to anyone else, but to us…they can be lethal!

Topping my list is clutter.

I despise it.  And right now, I’m living in a clutter nightmare!!!  My closets are a mess, my junk drawer is over-flowing and my jewelry has been sitting in a box on my night stand for a YEAR!  For the LOVE!

The cluttered closets are SO bad that my husband said he would buy me a book trilogy that I’ve been wanting as soon as I clean out my book closet because right now, I have books heaped in a pile next to said book closet.  Yes, I have a book closet…does that make me weird?  Oh, well.  Sigh.

In reality, we all need to spring clean every once in a while.

Maybe it’s not the closets, but it just might be that gossipy friend who never has anything good to say.  Or maybe it’s that nasty habit you’ve been dragging around since college.  Or it could be that list of resentments you are holding against the person you are supposed to love the most.

Everyone has their own kind of clutter.

For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. Luke 12:34

We need to call clutter for what it is…stuff that brings us down, clogs our minds, wears us out, fills us with stress and brings nothing positive to the table.  The little stuff turns into big stuff and before we know it, we are under a huge pile of junk (emotionally, physically and mentally).

Clutter becomes the roadblock to our success.  However, de-cluttering our lives allows us to reclaim our time and basically, our lives.

Metaphorically cleaning house and organizing will set us back on track, but we have to make sure we are placing value on what really matters and not the things of this world.

But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.  Matthew 6:33

The second and very important part to this de-cluttering process is making plans for the time and space that is now available.

One of the things that keep coming back to mind is that Jesus came to our world to “serve, not be served.”

Hmmm…so, how much am I really serving?

Essentially, we are called to live by God’s agenda for our life and not really our own.  This isn’t easy because the fact is that we are human and like things done our way.

And I don’t know about you, but I am reminded on numerous occasions that I make a colossal mess of my life and often cry out to God to fix it.  GRRRR!!!!

For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul? For what can a man give in return for his soul? Mark 8:36-37

Without God, I am nothing.  So, cleaning out the things that keep me away from God and making time to serve His people are huge steps toward placing Him at the top of my priority list!

What kind of spring cleaning do you need to do?

Some Wisdom for Today:  Proverbs 27:23 – Know well the condition of your flocks, and give attention to your herds….

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