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Planning and Perseverance

Writer's picture: meghays72meghays72

If success was easy, everyone would be a billionaire.

The truth about achieving our best in life is that it takes plenty of failed attempts, constant revisions and tearful tries to finally make it to the top of the mountain we are climbing.

And wishing won’t help.

Honestly, the only thing that leads to victory is careful planning and a ton of perseverance.

However, too many times we find ourselves planning and proceeding along a path that someone else has mapped out for us.  We’ve taken others’ opinions and made them our own and instead of disappointing someone, we follow through with their choices and not the ones we should be.

When this is the case, even if we do succeed, we will never truly be happy with our lot in life and contentment can be kissed good-bye.

So, before we begin the process of planning and persevering down life’s path, we need a good whopping of soul searching.

My dad always referred to the quote that to find what we love to do would keep us from working a day in our lives.  He said that once we found what we loved to do and how to make money at it then we would have a much better chance at success because we would dream, think and live the work of our hearts.

My son, do not forget my teaching, but let your heart keep my commandments, for length of days and years of life and peace they will add to you. Let not steadfast love and faithfulness forsake you; bind them around your neck; write them on the tablet of your heart. So you will find favor and good success in the sight of God and man. Proverbs 3:1-4

Sadly, as I’ve gotten older, I’ve realized how right dad was and how lost I’ve become.  I’ve allowed other people or the easy road to get in the way of my dreams and aspirations.

In addition, I’ve let negative comments – about being too old, not good enough or having bad ideas – get me down and out before I ever even took the first step towards something I would love to do.  Sometimes we can be better off just keeping our ideas to ourselves and not sharing them with the world until we have a plan of execution in place.

See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ. Colossians 2:8

Another mistake I’ve made is thinking that one try would be all it took to catapult me to the top OR that failing to move the mountain on the first attempt was a reason to QUIT.  YIKES!

Again, if success was easy…EVERYONE would be CEO of Making Money Enterprises.  Duh!!!

No one else can do our soul searching for us.  No one can do the planning for us.  And no one can take action and persevere through the process.  WE have to take the steps and WE have to get over our fear of failure.

The good news is that God made us for a certain purpose.  He created us with a plan in mind and a will to lead us through.

So, in fact, we are not alone…love it when that happens!!

Hopefully, you are already living your destiny, but I would dare say that many of us are just treading water.  Well, at least that’s what I seem to be doing.  Sigh.  And it’s just not acceptable!

It’s time to start swimming in the big, wide ocean and find out how far we can go (preferably without drowning or getting eaten by sharks).

God is the wind in our sails guiding us to unknown parts, but with His help we can build a sturdy boat that can withstand any waves that come our way.

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:2

Life is not easy and the world is a tough place to live, but we have to live as God planned or else we are just NOT LIVING.

Looking within ourselves to find our true calling is essential to living a successful life.  Maybe you’ve found it already or maybe you haven’t.  Regardless of your answer…when was the last time you did a little soul searching with the help of the Heavenly Father?

Some Wisdom for Today:  Proverbs 20:24 – A man’s steps are from the Lord; how then can man understand his way?

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