Not too many years ago, I had a list of people in this world that I would rather not meet. It’s not that I thought they were bad people; it’s that they signified that bad things would be happening in my life. And I am definitely not one who enjoys or welcomes the dark days of my existence!!
These people included, but were not limited to funeral directors, oncologists and hospice nurses. They are people whose lines of work converge with the rest of our saddest circumstances. They deal day in and day out with people who are sick or dying. Yuck! Who would sign up for that job?
Well, thankfully, there are a few who do. And where would we be without them? I’ll tell you…lonely, lost and confused.
Hospice nurses topped my list of ‘do not wish to meet’ people. And I sure never thought I would encounter the same nurse within two months for two different situations.
October 2010 was my first encounter with hospice nurse, Denise Brogdon, when my father-in-law was battling pancreatic cancer. He was so impressed with Denise that he began to write a story about her conversion to a life in Christ. After he passed, I was asked to interview her and write the story that my father-in-law had not been able to finish.
During this process, I found out that Denise became a hospice nurse after having gone through her own husband’s illness and subsequent death in a hospital. She told me she found her calling in hospice because it allowed terminal patients to stay at home. I was floored that she would answer God’s call to do such a hard job.
“For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advanced for us to do.” Ephesians 2:10
Well, December of 2010 found Denise and I meeting again at the home of my own father who was terminal with mesothelioma cancer. I then understood how awesome of a task these nurses provide.
I doubt hospice nurses run around their cities thinking they are providing a service of God. But let me tell you…they DO! They encourage, calm and support in a way that clearly indicates they are put in their profession by the Almighty Father.
Meeting Denise changed my life not only because she helped in time of need, but also because she reminded me to become who I was created to be.
I realized I was wasting my gift of journalism and consequently squandering my life. This is why I write GEM – God’s Encouragement by Meg.
So, realize there are silver-linings in every cloud…even when it’s a terrific storm that you think you will never survive. You CAN and you WILL survive with God’s help.
Thank you, Denise Brogdon.
Who has had a profound influence on your life? I would love to hear your stories!!!
Some Wisdom for Today: Proverbs 23:15-16 – My son, if your heart is wise, then my heart will be glad; my inmost being will rejoice when your lips speak what is right.