Do you feel that you are enough? The better question is are you enough where you are right at this moment with no changes or take backs?
Long sigh….
The problem is that we live in a society that says we never have enough in our lives. It also lies to us and tells us that we’ll be happy whenever we get to the “enough” status we’ve been working towards.
Don’t listen to this nonsense!!
I’m not saying we shouldn’t be working towards goals in our lives, but I am saying that most of us deal with some sort of “not enough” problem on a regular basis that is just not necessary.
Maybe it is money, time, vacations, or (insert whatever you don’t think you have enough of). The list certainly is endless and many of us have multiple things that we wish we had more of. However, these things suffocate the gratitude and joy of TODAY!
Brene Brown, one of my favorite authors, says, “When we allow ourselves to become culturally conditioned to believe that we are not enough and that we don’t make enough or have enough, it damages our soul.”
The one thing we can do to combat the “not enough” problem is to be grateful for the here and now. A few thoughts include:
Be grateful for good health.
Be grateful for another day.
Be grateful for food to eat.
Be grateful for friends and family.
Be grateful for clean air to breathe.
Remember that we are enough (just the way we are) for God. He loves us right where we are today.
Some Wisdom for Today: Proverbs 22:7 – The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower is the slave of the lender.