Knowing Jesus

Quote of the week, “it’s one thing to know there is an emperor; it’s another thing to know the emperor” – I have no clue who should be credited for this, but I heard it in Sunday’s sermon.  Grrrr….Google doesn’t know everything.  Haha!! The question I have for you...

Meeting Jesus

Sunday’s Easter service was amazing!  Not only was I able to worship with friends and family, but I also learned that hallelujah means “Praise God” and that amen means “I believe it.”  Love it when I learn new stuff!!! As I listened to the sermon that listed the many...

Walking Towards Redemption

As we march through Holy Week to Easter Sunday, it occurs to me that our lives are aptly named a journey – just like the path Jesus took to the cross. Each day of Jesus’s life led him to the day he saved the world. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only...

Toeing the Line

Living wisely is hard to do.  (In case you didn’t know that!) It’s not that having or attaining knowledge is all that hard, but the humility that comes along with wisdom throws most of us for a loop! I don’t know about you, but I don’t find myself being all that...

Sinners and Outcasts

Have you ever had a moment where a realization hurt your heart because you recognized how much you really stink at living like Jesus? This happened to me on Sunday listening to a sermon on Sinners, Outcasts and the Poor. I think we can all agree that helping the poor...