The Prayer Problem

Lately, my prayer life has stunk it up to kingdom come.  For some reason, I have been going through the motions of reading scriptures and devotionals, but I’ve barely spoken a word to God in what seems like forever. Sure, I’ve said mealtime and bedtime prayers with my...


Even though school has just started here in Texas for my two boys, we sure are looking forward to the extended weekend with Monday off for Labor Day. HIP, HIP, HOORAY! What’s funny is that with the beginning of school this week, my own business of writing blogs and...

Ask And You Shall Receive

I recently saw a Facebook post that said, “I wish I was a billionaire.”  Of course, I ‘liked’ it. How couldn’t I? Money is most likely the number one argument couples have.  Even if you have a great job and live in a comfortable home, more money would always be...

A Sack of Potatoes

Raw potatoes are not my favorite.  For one, they always seem dirty and rough.  And for two, if I forget about them and leave them in the pantry (which is VERY likely in my disorganized kitchen), they become squishy with those roots coming out at all ends. YUCK. On the...

A Revelation

I have had a revelation. Now, before I delve into the depth and width of this revelation, let’s define what I mean. Webster’s New World Dictionary describes revelation as 1) a revealing, 2) something disclosed, and 3) God’s disclosure to humanity of himself.  (Love...