Who is Jesus Christ?

As Easter draws near, I’ve been wondering why I’ve chosen to follow this man, Jesus Christ, and His teachings.  Is it because I was raised this way?  Is it because I want to go to Heaven?  Is it because I fear the alternatives?  Or is it something else? After much...

A Fresh Start

The New Year is quickly approaching. (I know, I can’t believe it, either!!!  Where did the year go?)  It’s not time to panic; it’s time to get busy!  Ready or not, 2012 is here! No matter what this past year looked like – it’s gone!  The future is a blank canvas and...

Kids and Christmas

When I think of teaching my two sons about what Christmas is truly all about, I start to shake in my boots!  (Cute, brown, leather five-inchers from Nordstrom would be preferable!) Me and kids and Christmas?  AND I have to teach something??  You must be kidding....

The Weight of the Holidays….

Who wants to think about their waste-line when the holidays roll around?  Not me.  I’d rather indulge in some eggnog, sift through the box of chocolates and gorge myself on a variety of cake bites my sister introduced to me last year!  Hmmm.  Probably not the best of...