Risky Business

I only caught the tail-end of Elon Musk’s interview on Sunday night’s 60 Minutes, but it made quite the impression on me.  As a matter of fact, I haven’t been able to think about much else. In case you have no idea who the heck Elon Musk is (no worries, I was...

The Choice Is Ours

The life I lead these days affords me the privilege to encounter many people’s opinions on God, Jesus Christ, church, Christian living, rights, wrongs, theories and a plethora of other topics from raising children to caring for the elderly. Between friends, family,...

Quality Shoes…uh, Living!

I love shoes.  I love ALL kinds of shoes.  They can be strappy, sexy, open-toed, suede, leather, cheap, expensive, platform, flat, tennis shoes, boots, sandals, slip on, lace up or buckled…it makes no difference to me. Typically, I buy brown or black shoes, but I...


Surprised by the title?  Me, too. As I looked at the blog calendar for today’s post, I realized that I had written “Naked” as the topic. Okay, so anyone who knows me well, KNOWS that my modesty is lacking and my humor is on the level of a sixth grader. Sigh. You can...

Coercion or Persuasion?

Not every Christian has had the good fortune to experience a loving and grace-filled upbringing.  In fact, as I have met many fellow Christians along the road of life, I have found that several of them have been schooled in the fear and damnation theology that just...