Christmas Tears

This will not be the Christmas of years past.  It will be the first without my dad. I know I am not alone.  Most everyone has lost a loved one who meant the world to them.  This just happens to be my first encounter with the death of someone very close to me.  I feel...

Kids and Christmas

When I think of teaching my two sons about what Christmas is truly all about, I start to shake in my boots!  (Cute, brown, leather five-inchers from Nordstrom would be preferable!) Me and kids and Christmas?  AND I have to teach something??  You must be kidding....

Consumer or Contributor?

Christmas shopping makes me smile.  I love rushing from store to store amid twinkling lights, jingling bells, and rustling store bags.  The holiday aromas draw me into a dream-like state and remind me of years past when I was frightened of the snow monster in Rudolph...

The Weight of the Holidays….

Who wants to think about their waste-line when the holidays roll around?  Not me.  I’d rather indulge in some eggnog, sift through the box of chocolates and gorge myself on a variety of cake bites my sister introduced to me last year!  Hmmm.  Probably not the best of...