Getting Back into the Swing…

by | Jul 9, 2013 | Uncategorized | 2 comments

Last night I realized why they always say you need a vacation from your vacation.  Grrr.colorado map

The laundry, cleaning and grocery shopping necessary to get back into the swing of things is overwhelming to say the least.  What’s interesting is that I now understand the phrase “getting back into the swing” because it’s obvious I’VE FALLEN OFF THE SWING!

As I was fretting over the long ‘to do’ list for the coming days, I recognized how fear and anxiety paralyze me from actually accomplishing something!  How pathetic!

The truth is that getting back into the swing is needed on many occasions when life has derailed us or taken us on an extended vacation, but it is essential to consider what needs to be done, plan accordingly and take action.

Jumping on the wrong swing just won’t do.  However, not jumping because of fear is just as bad.

In addition, many times we travel the path of least resistance and it gets us into trouble.  We tell ourselves it’s easier, more fun or a better deal, but in honesty, it’s simply the wrong way.

Take for instance the route through Colorado that Lee and I were faced with a few days ago. Sure, there was a highway that looked like the most straightforward, but after much debate (thank you, God, that I lost) we chose the four-lane highway with a much less curvy path.

Personally, I merely wanted to get home and sleep in my own bed, but I wasn’t thinking about the path or the consequences.  I only saw the destination.

The steps of a man are established by the Lord, when he delights in his way; though he fall, he shall not be cast headlong, for the Lord upholds his hand. Psalms 37:23-24

I wish I had understood sooner that the ‘journey’ is what life is about.  This comprehension would have saved me much heartache and pain while ‘waiting’ for life to start.

The road map of life is full of choices, exits, paths and destinations. Our travel agent (GOD) is the only one who can truly give us the guidance we need in a world full of flashy neon signs.

It’s frightening how easily I am swayed to Easy Street and I would dare to guess that I’m not alone.

So, as I’m faced with the task of getting my house back in order, I’m going to make it a priority AGAIN to get to know my Travel Agent better!  Plus, He comes with a fantastic guarantee!

Some Wisdom for Today:  Proverbs 20:24 – A man’s steps are from the Lord; how then can man understand his way?


  1. Christine

    That was an AWESOME article babe! How easy it is for me to see a “squirrel” and get off the correct patch because of something shiny and visibly more appealing because it “seems” easier. Thanks for these great words to remind me to help stay the course and push through. In the end, the reward is so much greater!:) love you!

    • meghays

      Thanks, doll! You are a wonderful cheerleader and encourager! Don’t know what I would do without you 🙂 Love YOU!


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