What Temps You?

I’ve been reading Sharon Jaynes’ two-part devotion on “I’d be happy if…” over the past week, so it was no surprise when I looked at today’s topic on the GEM calendar about temptation.  God is so cool that way! Sharon, a member of the Girlfriends in God daily blog...


Okay, you know you are getting a revolting phone call when you hear the school nurse start the conversation with, “Meg, I’m so sorry that I have to tell you this….” WA, WA, WA…WHAT did you say?!? Chase has lice. Uh…so does Jake. Crap. Well, the good news is…hm…there...

Now What?

Last week’s tumultuous events with the Boston Marathon bombing, the West, Texas plant explosion, the mid-west flooding and the play-by-play apprehension of the alleged bomber has me wondering what is going to happen this week? Talk about one heck of a wild ride! Jeez!...

Who Are You Following?

Everything you read on the internet is not TRUE. (Reminds me of the State Farm commercial about the French model…hee, hee!!) Recently, I learned this the hard way after seeing a post on Facebook that Joel Osteen was leaving the Christian church and delving into...

Forgive and Forget

Last night I spoke at my home church for our Lenten Wednesday night worship service about forgiveness. Me? Forgiving? Sometimes. Sigh. I told a story about a situation that is completely out of my control and how mercy and forgiveness keeps me at peace and how all...