Moving On….

Here’s to the first GEM of 2014!  Woohoo!   We’ve made it this far and we are moving on!  (That’s me and God…in case you were confused about who the ‘we’ was!!) I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:14 The...

Time is Short

Halloween is over, Thanksgiving is a few weeks away, Christmas is around the corner, 2014 is getting closer and life is passing us by…quickly.  WHOA…slow down, Nelly!!! H. Jackson Brown, Jr., a New York Times bestseller said, “Don’t say you don’t have...


Not everyone is easy to get along with….  WHAT?  Oh, how I wish this wasn’t true, but it is and I sure can’t change it.  Would if I could! Unfortunately, we often can be surrounded with people that tick us off, hurt our feelings, grate on our nerves or just downright...


Okay, you know you are getting a revolting phone call when you hear the school nurse start the conversation with, “Meg, I’m so sorry that I have to tell you this….” WA, WA, WA…WHAT did you say?!? Chase has lice. Uh…so does Jake. Crap. Well, the good news is…hm…there...

Crabby Crisis

Wow, have I been crabby lately! I can tell it’s been a longer irritable stint than usual because even one of my dear old neighbors commented that I’d been cranky. Leave it to the ones closest to you to put you in your place! Thanks, Ray! God must be trying to tell me...