The Perils of Facebook

Social media, and most specifically Facebook (because that’s the one I use), can be the greatest thing since sliced bread.  I mean who doesn’t want to post pictures of their families, cool vacation places, awesome pet videos and funny memes?!?!?!?  A favorite of mine...

We Are What We Think

Here I am again.  Jeez!  You’d think I was the most inconsistent person in the world by the way I’ve written GEM in the last year…and, honestly, you’d be right!!  I don’t have any excuse, but I am genuinely sorry.  And please know I’ve missed it, too. I’ve been...

Getting Ready

Now that Halloween is over and we are on the road to Thanksgiving, one can only assume that Christmas and New Year’s will be here before we know it. YIKES!!!  It’s the first week of November!  Can you believe it?  Where has 2014 gone?  I feel overwhelmed just thinking...

Praise God: Win or Lose

My sisters and I have a saying, “We will praise Him: win or lose.”  Kind of makes you think, doesn’t it?!?! This short sentence reminds us daily that no matter what happens during our life…God is ALWAYS in control, He loves us and He is our saving grace! Don’t get me...

The Evil in the World

Watching the news is pretty scary these days.  Evil seems to be all around us and maybe even winning several of the battles.  YIKES! However, you do realize that the good guy wins in the end, right? Let me assure you…He does. And the devil, who deceived them, was...