The BIG Questions

“Where did God come from?” asked my sweet, eight-year-old Jake this past Sunday morning. Duh. Okay, now let’s be clear.  I read scripture, I write devotionals, but I am in NO way a theologian or some Biblical scholar.  Therefore, my answer was, “I haven’t a clue, but...

Another Year Without Katie

There are certain experiences that happen in life that change you completely. One of these events is when my dear friend’s child, Katie, drowned in a neighbor’s pool one hot night on June 25, 2005. I’ve written before about this heartbreak, but I can’t say enough how...

A Mustard Seed

Yesterday, I went to lunch with a dear friend of mine.  I left the restaurant pumped and ready to conquer the world.  In fact, I was ready to sign up for a completely different career path and jump into the sea of hard work, fun and making some serious dough! I raced...

When Sickness Strikes

Hearing the word “terminal” come from a doctor’s mouth is devastating and frightening.  It means the end is near and we’ve run out of time.  It means there are no second chances.  YUCK! In our humanness, we seem to think we will escape death.  Each of us trudge...

How to Make 2013…GRRREAT!

I SURE HAVE MISSED YOU, GEM!!!  Between the holidays, traveling and guests, I haven’t had a chance to write!  But, now I’m back and ready for my future!!! Wait a minute!!  It’s three days into the New Year and I already feel like I’m behind the eight ball! WHAT?!?! ...