Remembering September 11th

If you hadn’t already figured it out, September 11th is tomorrow.  It’s been 12 years since the tragic events and in some ways it feels like forever and in others, it feels like just yesterday. I don’t think any one of us made it through that day unaffected. The...

Planning and Perseverance

If success was easy, everyone would be a billionaire. The truth about achieving our best in life is that it takes plenty of failed attempts, constant revisions and tearful tries to finally make it to the top of the mountain we are climbing. And wishing won’t help....

The BIG Questions

“Where did God come from?” asked my sweet, eight-year-old Jake this past Sunday morning. Duh. Okay, now let’s be clear.  I read scripture, I write devotionals, but I am in NO way a theologian or some Biblical scholar.  Therefore, my answer was, “I haven’t a clue, but...

Getting Back into the Swing…

Last night I realized why they always say you need a vacation from your vacation.  Grrr. The laundry, cleaning and grocery shopping necessary to get back into the swing of things is overwhelming to say the least.  What’s interesting is that I now understand the phrase...

Now What?

Last week’s tumultuous events with the Boston Marathon bombing, the West, Texas plant explosion, the mid-west flooding and the play-by-play apprehension of the alleged bomber has me wondering what is going to happen this week? Talk about one heck of a wild ride! Jeez!...