Easter – Death’s Defeat

Easter is much more than bunnies, baskets, colorful eggs and chocolate candies!  Sure those M&M’s and Peeps are excellent to savor on Sunday morning, but the true meaning of Easter is Jesus Christ’s defeat of DEATH! The delectableness of the candy cannot compare...

Who is Jesus Christ?

As Easter draws near, I’ve been wondering why I’ve chosen to follow this man, Jesus Christ, and His teachings.  Is it because I was raised this way?  Is it because I want to go to Heaven?  Is it because I fear the alternatives?  Or is it something else? After much...


O-B-E-D-I-E-N-C-E.  Just the word ‘obedience’ sounds like a drag.  And I bet it makes you think of giving up something you like, but know is not good for you.  Or that you’ll be lacking in the fun area of life.  Sure sounds like that to me! Hold on a second!  As a...

Jumping the Hurdles of Life

Did you get the memo that life was going to be easy?  Was there a section indicating that life was going to be fair?  I sure didn’t!   I’ve been checking my mailbox, my inbox and my Facebook messages regularly, but have yet to receive such a notice.  Sigh…....


I love to dance.  My mother-in-law loves to watch Dancing with the Stars.  We make quite a pair when we sit down to watch an episode.  She adores the costumes and shoes and I have to sit on my legs to keep myself from jumping off the couch whenever a fast tune twirls...