Spring Cleaning

With Friday being the First Day of Spring (hallelujah), it’s a perfect time to start thinking about what we need to clean out of our heads, hearts, and spirits to get ready for this new season! All I have to do is look into my pantry to see the pile of junk food –...

Failing…Big Time

Have you ever watched one of those singing shows where the contestant tells the television camera that this is their last stop and that if they don’t make it they don’t have a clue what they will do? I’ve often wondered what happens to those people. Do they go on and...

The Sky Is Falling…OH NO!!!

Every time I share my struggle with panic, I am amazed at the outpouring of support, encouragement and similar circumstances.  It always saddens me to see how many people in the world deal with this very prevalent issue. I know, I know…it stinks that misery...

Watching the Chicago Bears football team week in and week out can get pretty depressing since they continue to lose on a regular basis. UGH!!! I think there’s a lesson here, but I sure wish they would hurry up and learn it!!! Clearly, the Bears are not doing so hot,...


We all have the tendency to backslide.  GRRRRR…. Be it our diet, our work-out routine, anger management, Bible reading, prayer time or hateful words – it matters not what the problem is, but it does matter what we do once we notice. I don’t know about you, but I...