Just Call Me Eve

Eve listened to the devil, made the decision to defy God and subsequently caved into sin.  Ain’t that the story of life?!?!  Sigh. Maybe I should change my name to Eve. I’m pretty sure I’m not the only person on the planet that struggles with sin and sometimes loses...

Foul Mouth Meg

My name is Meg and I have a problem with swearing.  Now, it’s not as bad as it used to be, but the words that come out of my mouth are still not stellar. Anyone who knows me knows this to be true.  I’m sure they would agree that the F-word is the favorite and most...

Remembering Easter

The tomb was EMPTY!!  Jesus Christ has risen from the dead!!  He has conquered death, sin and our destruction!!  Hallelujah!  Amen!! Now what? Life goes on.  Kids go back to school.  Adults go back to work.  Gradually, we fall head-first into the mundane routine of...

The Enemy

Scary movies are not for me.  Monsters, demons and walking dead people frighten me, cause my heart to race and make me nervous…and I KNOW they are just actors.  As a kid, I used to love watching all of the scariest movies available.  But today, I am conscious of the...