Taking Care of Yourself

The older I get, the more I realize that taking care of me (body, mind and spirit) is more important than I ever thought.  Yep…I’m slow like that! Not only do I want to be healthy as I age, but I’d really like to feel good, too!!  Of course, my vanity is mixed in...

We Have No Idea

When was the last time you looked around and noticed someone in need?  Today?  Yesterday?  Last month?  Did you do something about it? Uh oh.  I’m not sure I like my answer. The ugly truth is that often we use excuses, judgments and fear to keep us from helping...

Cleaning House

Housecleaning is one of those mundane chores that have to be done on a daily basis or else your house will end up looking like a complete disaster.  Trust me. ..I know. There is no getting away from the day in and day out activities of picking up clothes, putting away...

Why Read Scripture?

It’s amazing what you can learn from an eight-year-old! This morning as we were getting ready for school, Jake (the eight-year-old) told me he was really scared of airplanes.  Of course, flying was the topic of discussion because husband and father, Lee, had just left...

Under Attack

Ever have one of those days where absolutely everything went awry?  Or maybe you’ve had a year or two that you seemed to struggle through and you wondered what in the world was going on. My husband’s boss said it best the year that both of our fathers passed away,...