Merry Christmas!

Since the next two weeks of my life will be filled with fun, family, friends and the kids on Christmas break, I will be posting only once each week.  I know, I know…you’re gonna miss me terribly!!  HA! HA! Honestly, I can’t contain my excitement because I love this...

When Sickness Strikes

Hearing the word “terminal” come from a doctor’s mouth is devastating and frightening.  It means the end is near and we’ve run out of time.  It means there are no second chances.  YUCK! In our humanness, we seem to think we will escape death.  Each of us trudge...

Jumping the Hurdles of Life

Did you get the memo that life was going to be easy?  Was there a section indicating that life was going to be fair?  I sure didn’t!   I’ve been checking my mailbox, my inbox and my Facebook messages regularly, but have yet to receive such a notice.  Sigh…....