
It is days like today that I wonder what I kind of legacy I will leave to my family, friends and the world. I’m currently 41 and if I’m lucky, I have another 40+ years to figure out what my contribution will be and how to accomplish the tasks associated with it.  Time...

Keeping up with the Jones’

I love the way God works! For example, today’s topic (which I picked months ago) is about “keeping up with the Jones’” – um, yea, Meg – we got that from the title! I digress. So…yesterday morning I read my devotional from Joe Gibbs.  Well, lo and behold!!  Mr. Gibbs...

Obsess Yourself with Heaven

Obsession has infiltrated our culture.  Images, ideas and thoughts race through our heads about everything from celebrities, television shows, weight, careers, money, sex, movies and kids to any number of items on a regular basis at a speed that is mind-blowing. We...

Kids and Christmas

When I think of teaching my two sons about what Christmas is truly all about, I start to shake in my boots!  (Cute, brown, leather five-inchers from Nordstrom would be preferable!) Me and kids and Christmas?  AND I have to teach something??  You must be kidding....