
Ever since the Veteran’s Day celebration, I’ve really been thinking about honor.  What it means.  And how to actually DO it. Clearly the first question is easily answered.  In fact, Webster’s Dictionary defines honor as high regard or respect (noun) and adherence to...

The Heart

It’s amazing what breaks my heart these days. I used to be crushed by someone not liking me or a sad Hallmark commercial. A few years and a little bit of maturity has grown my spirit to look outside of myself.  Of course, I’m still very selfish (I think I’ve...

Written on My Heart

Once upon a time, I was a fair weather Christian.  I went to church occasionally, felt guilty when I sinned and prayed when I needed something.  Basically, I used God as a magician to make life easy and to get a ticket into heaven. And once in a while, I prayed a...

Standing Up

Hobby Lobby is one of my favorite stores.  I love sifting through the decorative items, picture frames and scrapbooking paraphernalia.  I am SO NOT a creative person, but Hobby Lobby makes me feel like I could do something unique if I sort of tried (not that I ever do...

Just Call Me Eve

Eve listened to the devil, made the decision to defy God and subsequently caved into sin.  Ain’t that the story of life?!?!  Sigh. Maybe I should change my name to Eve. I’m pretty sure I’m not the only person on the planet that struggles with sin and sometimes loses...