Perfect Planning

by | May 14, 2013 | Uncategorized | 4 comments

I can plan all day long, but if I don’t actually implement my plan…I get nowhere.

Don’t you hate it when that happens?

There have never been a lack of big dreams and grandiose plans running around in my head, but I completely stink at the execution. Sigh.

What happens between the brainstorming session and the achievement?

Well, I’ll tell you what happens:

  1. Discouragement.
  2. Defeat.
  3. Daily crap.

Sometimes I get discouraged before I even take the first step.  People and my past can get in the way of allowing God to change my future.  It’s not that THEY do anything, it’s that I except their opinions and place value on my earlier failures and allow my own insecurities to derail me.

For example, how can I possibly think I should be encouraging others to grow closer to God when my mistakes speak loudly and tell me that I’m not worthy, nor am I righteous enough to be an example for anyone?

Guess what, the naysayers are absolutely right! I’m not perfect and I will never be perfect in the future.

Yep, I’m a sinner and I fall daily from any kind of pedestal I’d like to place myself on – OH, how I wish I could sit up there nice and pretty!!!  Too bad I’m afraid of heights!

It truly is only by God’s Grace that I can live securely in the forgiveness He provided when Jesus died for me that blessed Good Friday.

But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.  Romans 5:8

Now, defeat comes in all sorts of forms. I personally think the devil does a good job of placing negative thoughts and the word CAN’T in my head!

Man, I loathe the word, CAN’T.

My kids say it, others say it and I especially dislike when I say it.

It is most certainly true that if you say you can’t, then you will absolutely not be able to.

My dad used to say his Morgan’s didn’t say can’t, but somewhere along the way it snuck up on me.

  • I can’t work out because I don’t have time.
  • I can’t lose weight because it’s too hard.
  • I can’t start a fitness blog because I don’t have the time.
  • I can’t share my gifts of song because I’m not good enough.
  • I can’t do many things because I’m downright scared.
  • I can’t spread the Gospel because I’m a sinner.
  • And…the list goes on and on and on and on.

I can do all things through him who strengthens me.  Philippians 4:13

When I seek God’s Will and lay my life at His feet, I will do what He wants and the rest will fall into place. The culprit is my own pride and rebellion.

Okay, the daily crap happens.  As a wife, mom, daughter and friend – my time is taken by many different people throughout the day. However, if I didn’t place myself behind the 8-ball, then I would have the proper time to accomplish my necessary tasks.

Again, the truth is that if I don’t plan to succeed, then I’m actually planning to fail.

Plus, I’d get a ton more done if I’d stop complaining about it and just jumped in and got ‘r done!!!

I understand that we all have difficulties with living out our dreams, but we have to realize we will only be equipped to proceed when we ask our Heavenly Father to set His plans in front of us and lead us down His path.

Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst.” John 6:35

It’s again back to the ‘DOING’ I’ve preached for months! But, it’s only worth doing if it comes from above. If we aren’t doing that, then we are just wasting time.

And I don’t know about you, but I don’t think I have a lot of time to be wasting!

Some Wisdom for Today:  Proverbs 16:3 – Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.


  1. Jason

    I heard a great saying recently that has stuck with me. “The only place Success comes before Work is in the Dictionary.” Obviously, sage wisdom. We don’t get anything done without putting in the work and you are right about how easy it is to get off course with the above mentioned “Three D’s”. It seems to me that it is the Spiritual work that is the easiest to get derailed from. The enemy is always trying to toss the monkey wrench into the plans. I am sure that everyone has these same struggles with defeat and the devil is very good a putting just enough doubt into us to derail all the best intentions and plans. Personal Example where Defeat gets me: Questioning my own choices in the past or my lack of living a righteous life will make me not talk with that one co-worker about the saving grace of God and Jesus’s sacrifice for our sin. However, that is exactly what we are expected to do. The Great Commission did not include a corollary of “after you get yourself right” before the words “Go therefore and make disciples… baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.” Also, talking with my college friends about Christ makes me feel like a hypocrite because I know that they know my past. They were there with me! I just need to forget that because God knows our heart and that was the reason that Jesus was critical of the Pharisees. He knew their hearts.

    Take heart that we are saved by Grace and not by works, but we definitely need to be busying ourselves with the Master’s Work and that does require a plan. As hard as it sometimes is, it also carries great rewards.

    Thanks for the Encouragement.

    • meghays

      Thanks for your wisdom, Jason! The doubt that creeps into our heads sabotages even the best plans – should have included more on that one! Also, I’ve always learned more from those who have dark and difficult pasts than anyone who has sailed through life on the righteous road. Makes you a perfect example to others around you because you lived one way and now want to live another! Plus, you can show them the changes by by actually ‘living’ the life Christ intended!!! Have a fantastic week!

  2. Jennifer Montero

    I like how you said if we don’t prepare to succeed then we are preparing to fail. Overcoming fear of failure is one of my big obstacles in competing at barrel racing. It is like my Achilles Heal. Thanks for the encouragement & the inspiration that we all fall short & need forgiveness. Give hugs to everyone for me!

    • meghays

      Thanks, Jennifer!!! Fear stinks and defeats us every time!! I think we all struggle with it to some degree, but hopefully we will learn eventually that God really does have us in His hands and there is nothing to fear!!! Hugs to you guys, too!!!


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