Christmas Baby

by | Dec 22, 2011 | Uncategorized | 6 comments

Seven years ago today, I was blessed with the birth of a son.  Jake was born on one of the coldest mornings we’ve ever had in December.  Thankfully, we were snug as a bug in a rug in an Austin, Texas hospital surrounded by nurses and doctors who knew what they were doing.

The birth of my first born was incredible!  We were well cared for, completely safe and fell in love with our baby at first sight.  After a two-day hospital stay, they sent us home on Christmas Eve with Jake wrapped in a stocking!  It was absolutely adorable!!!  (I might be a little biased).

I had been celebrating the impending birth of Jake for almost a year.  I was blessed with loving and supportive family and friends,  baby showers, pregnant massages, and lots of doctor visits.  There is no doubt that I had one of the best pregnancies and births a girl could ask!

I recently wondered what it was like for Mary, the mother of Jesus.

Can you imagine the beginning of Mary’s story?  She had to tell Joseph.  “Oh, by the way, honey, I’m engaged to you, but pregnant with God’s son.” Seriously, the things that Joseph felt in that one split second can ONLY be imagined!

Also, can you imagine telling your friends that you were pregnant with the son of God, but still a virgin? I’m sure the gossip and the whispers were unbearable.

Mary and Joseph, having to head to Bethlehem  due to Herod’s orders to check in to the man’s birthplace, were traveling alone.  Mary was riding a donkey while nine months pregnant and the hotels had no vacancies.

I’m cranky after being in the car too long on one of our Tennessee trips.   I can’t fathom what that poor girl was going through during the journey, much less when they finally settled into the smelly stable.

I’m sure it wasn’t the comfortable experience I had with people rushing to my aid, a warm place to lay my head and drugs to aid in my comfort!  Thank you Lord for drugs!!!

The traveling on the night of the birth was long and tiring.

The road to the manger was a difficult one.

I am amazed how Mary trusted in her God and had faith that He would provide for her needs regardless of what the world thought of her situation.  Mary is a wonderful example of following God no matter what He asks and knowing full well that He will lead you to a destination that you are unable to come up with or even imagine on your own.

As you wake on this Christmas morning:

  1. Thank God for Jesus Christ who came to reconcile a lost world.
  2. Ask God to guide you in all of your endeavors.
  3. Know that you are loved by the Maker of Heaven and Earth.

May you have a Merry Christmas!!!!!

Some Wisdom for Today:  Proverbs 3:3 – Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart.


  1. Sandy

    Happy Birthday sweet Jake! Still remember getting that call that you were to be born … early at that! Great retelling of Mary’s story too. God surely must have blessed her. And God knows motherhood sometimes feels like the household holds No Vacancies signs for us moms to just sit and take a rest sometimes! 😉 Merry Christmas everyone!!!

    • meghays

      Thanks girl!!! You are a forever friend!!! Love you!

  2. Christine

    I agree with Sandy! Not to mention hearing the words “we can’t make it to the movies because we had a baby tonight!”. Such great memories and reminders of the season. We would surely have no hope if Mary hadn’t risen to the occasion of that uncomfortable donkey ride! Thank you God for knowing our needs before we did.

    Merry Christmas!

    • meghays

      To my other forever friend!!!! I love you! I still giggle when I think of telling you we couldn’t go to the movies 🙂 Hee, hee!!!

      • Sharon Parker

        I am late in responding dear Meg but the Birthday wishes continue for your sweet Jake, your first born. I am reminded also of the birth of my first born on this same day so long ago in 1968 and the Lord does hear the crys of every mother in childbirth and pain. Mary is the example that the Lord chose to bring us who believe, “our Saviour Jesus Christ”. Without Him we would have no hope. Thank you for the reminder of Proverbs 3:3 – Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. As we are obedient to work out the truths of the scriptures in our own hearts everything in life falls in place. It doesn’t have to make sense to the world it will to our LORD. Love you! maw parker 😀

        • meghays

          Thanks, Ma Parker!!!! Love you!!!


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