
Have you ever had that overwhelming feeling of impending doom?  Have your palms gotten sweaty and your fingers gone numb?  Has your throat felt like it had a large navel orange stuck in the back and you couldn’t swallow past it?  Have you experienced heart...

Settling for Second

As we venture through Holy Week and remember the ‘reason for the season’ and all of Christ’s sufferings for us, it just makes sense to take a look at the 40 days Jesus spent in the desert. There are many aspects of Jesus’ journey that we could ponder, but for me the...

Praising God

Life is like a roller coaster…sometimes it’s uphill and sometimes it’s downhill and I’m really not sure which one is better!! (Neither one sound like that much fun, do they?) Traveling all of those hills can get exhausting.  Trampling up or down can sometimes become...

Another Year Without Katie

There are certain experiences that happen in life that change you completely. One of these events is when my dear friend’s child, Katie, drowned in a neighbor’s pool one hot night on June 25, 2005. I’ve written before about this heartbreak, but I can’t say enough how...

Easter – Death’s Defeat

Easter is much more than bunnies, baskets, colorful eggs and chocolate candies!  Sure those M&M’s and Peeps are excellent to savor on Sunday morning, but the true meaning of Easter is Jesus Christ’s defeat of DEATH! The delectableness of the candy cannot compare...