You Just Never Know

I recently posted a photo on my Facebook GEM page that said, “Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.  Be kind.  Always.” What an amazing truth!!! For some reason, we think that we are the only ones with problems, are misunderstood or have a...

Are You Gracious?

Lately, I’ve been really saddened by the lack of compassion and understanding that I see in the world.  The worst part is that I am often an offender myself when faced with something I don’t comprehend, identify with, or those things that tick me off. Sigh…. We are...

Loving Gifts

Valentine’s Day is next week!!   I know…I’m shocked, too!!!  Time is flying and I’m hanging on for dear life!  It sure doesn’t seem possible that we were just celebrating Christmas and making resolutions for this year!  And yet, here we are already in the second MONTH...