Life is Funny!

by | Nov 19, 2013 | Uncategorized | 1 comment

IMG_0262Every year around this time, I get sick.  It’s been no different this year.

For five days I wrestled with a 101° fever, body aches, headaches, a horrendous cough and more.  To say I was miserable is being nice.  Just ask my husband, Lee!

Thankfully, Lee and our two boys, Jake and Chase, picked up the slack and worked around mommy being out of the equation for five days straight.  They were amazing, hysterical and gave me a story of a lifetime!!!

So, Thursday was the first day I couldn’t lift my head off of the pillow.  I made the necessary texts and phone calls to make sure the boys were where they were supposed to be and picked up at the critical times.  Thursday went off without a hitch and mommy got to sleep all day – desperately trying to recuperate at lightning speed.

Where’s a shot of “get better fast” when you need one?!?!?!

Anyway, Friday morning, I woke up at 7:45 and all was quiet.  I had the sinking feeling that not only I had slept past the 7:00 a.m. bus pickup time, but so had Lee.

I crept upstairs thinking I would find Lee and our two boys fast asleep…nope!

Jake and Chase were gone and Lee was on his phone going through email.  You can imagine my pride and relief!!!  Until….

“You’re never going to believe this, Meg,“ Lee began.

Uh, oh!

Apparently, Lee HAD slept through the morning ritual.  However, the boys had NOT.

Jake (8) and Chase (6) had gotten up, made themselves breakfast, packed a water bottle and snack, dressed, written us a note, left it by the COFFEE POT and got on the bus all by themselves!!!!

The note went like this:

Mom and Dad, If you are looking for us we will be at school and I’m hoping you’re feeling better and I hope you guys can make it to the Thanksgiving lunch.  Love, Jake and Chase

OMG!!!  I can’t tell you how much I laughed or how proud I continue to be for these two brave boys who did what they were supposed to without parental guidance! I’m still shocked that they didn’t just go back to bed!!  Lord knows, I probably would have.

I feel like this was God’s way of saying, “Chill out, Meg…you are doing fine.  I’ve got this.”

The letter will most certainly be framed and hung for years to come, but the lesson has been tattooed on my heart.  God DOES take care of us even when we can’t.

This week has been a rough one, but the sweet reminder from my two precious boys that life can go on without me and that if I do my job well, it will go on just fine.

But when Jesus saw it, he was indignant and said to them, “Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God….Mark 10:14

So, in light of my bought with this nasty virus, please pray for those who are sick.  It’s no fun and I’m one of the fortunate ones who have aches/pains/ailments/etc. and are able to get better!  I’m so thankful for God’s healing power!! Thank you, Thank you, THANK YOU, God!!!!

Some Wisdom for Today:  Proverbs 22:6 – Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.

1 Comment

  1. Heidi

    You have the best boys!!! You and Lee have done such a great job with them!! That story is amazing!:)


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